got this cute Hearts for Heart doll Dell for a good price. The only thing wrong
with her is that she had a few ink spots on her face.
I've seen lots of
people on blogs use benzoil peroxide (Cleracil) so I gave it a try. After a few
days it was still there.
So I did the next
step. I covered her eyes because the eyes on these dolls tend to fade and I'm
not sure if it is because of sun exposure. I then wrapped her face in gauze to
keep the cotton balls intact.
I covered her with
a sheet and left only the part of her face exposed with benzoil peroxide. I put
her out in the sun for an hour.
She came out
perfect. Her vinyl was very soft at first but then firmed back up. I know this
technique is probably old news for most seasoned doll collectors but it's nice
to see that it works.